Ia is the worst vocaloid
Ia is the worst vocaloid

ia is the worst vocaloid

I’ve heard someone describe Gadot’s Wonder Woman as “someone who gets less charismatic in every follow-up appearence” which does seem pretty accurate. I’d say the two that I’ve seen the most have been Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman appearance where she shows up briefly to save Bruce from disaster on a bridge, and then her lasso of truth is played for comedy, making Bruce and Barry confess things they’ve never not. Update (7/19): What I’ve seen as a result of this trend is that people are now sharing other bad scenes from The Flash, attempting to make those go viral as well.

ia is the worst vocaloid

I think the rest of the movie is just fine, even pretty good, but this? Absolutely not. I’m sure there were options cut from this list, but using mostly 40-60 year old characters played by dead actors was absolutely the wrong call, and if this is what they ended up with, this entire concept should have been scrapped. All featuring living actors that may have either volunteered for cameos or wouldn’t have needed to be recreated in bad CGI. Non-Keaton, Non-Clooney characters from those Batman films. There were so many other, more relevant options here. Here? These are often dead, always bad-looking CGI monsters. The CW’s Flash series did this with its own spin on Flashpoint, using more relevant cameos, and even getting Ezra Miller’s Flash to briefly appear there. What’s even worse is that there are so, so many other cameos they could have chosen here, if they wanted to do cameos at all, which I think is probably too meta to work anyway.

Ia is the worst vocaloid